It was a successful weekend for the Grand Finale litter. In Michigan, Dewey was BOB to finish her AKC Grand Champion title. Meanwhile, in Iowa, Lava was BOB both days of the weekend and on Sunday she earned a Hound Group Two and an Owner-Handler Reserve Best in Show! Big congratulations all around! Both Dewey and Lava are from the 2013 Grand Finale Litter.
Farrah finished her Grand Championship this weekend with two Selects. This makes the 2012 XXX Litter the first smooth Ibizan litter from two best in field, grand champion, dual champion parents. This also makes the 2015 Fly Litter and the 2016 Double Litter two of the first Ibizan litters with two grand champion, dual champion parents! Farrah had retired from the show ring young and came out of retirement as a veteran to earn her grand championship. This is a big accomplishment for Farrah, as showing is not her favorite hobby, so I'm proud of Squee! She is officially retired from the show ring and will continue her coursing and racing careers.
Farrah is from the 2009 Talk Litter. It's been a big Kamar weekend all over the place! In Florida, Ami won BOB in the show ring, leaving her only three points to go for her championship. In Canada, Sage finished her Canadian Grand Champion title. In Iowa, Lava was BOB at an ASFA lure coursing trial and finally in Arizona, Risa had a big show cluster, going BOS and Select and ending the cluster with a BOB and an owner-handler group 3. Congrats to all!
Ami, Lava and Risa are from the 2013 Grand Finale Litter and Sage is from the 2015 Fly Litter. Zabra finished her Grand Championship this weekend with three Best of Opposite Sex wins. Zabra is the second Grand Champion from the 2013 Grand Finale Litter. Congratulations to owner Melanie and handler, Luke Seidlitz!
Congratulations to Deckard on finishing his Grand Champion title this weekend. Deckard has been owner-handled throughout his show career!
It was a big weekend for Kamar Beezers. Risa finished her Grand Championship with two Best of Breed majors wins and an owner-handler Group 4, while June finished her Championship title with her final major. Meanwhile in Florida, Norma had two Best of Breed wins at an ASFA lure coursing event, putting her at 76 points in just two weekends. In California, Zabra also picked up three points in AKC lure coursing. This same weekend, Ella was Best of Breed at an ASFA lure coursing trial. Congratulations, girls!
The Kamar Ibizans had a big weekend in Atlanta. Niko picked up two more majors as WD one day and BOW another, which leaves him with just a single point needed to finish, and also finished his Rally Novice title. Ami picked up her second major as BOW on Saturday. Kelia picked up her first point Sunday as WB. Fly picked up two GCH majors with a Select and a BOB. Deckard also picked up a GCH major as Select. Norma finished her Rally Advanced title with a very respectable 92 and a fourth place one day and a perfect score of 100 another day. Awesome!