On the east coast, four litters were represented at the IHCUS Supported Clemson show. Deckard (XXX Litter) was BOB both days and brought home an Owner-Handler Group Four on Sunday, beautifully handled by Jen Anderson. Niko (Grand Finale Litter) had his first show debut and was Best of Winners both days and Best Bred By both days for his first two majors. Ami (Grand Finale Litter) was Reserve Winners Bitch on Saturday and Kelia (XXX Litter) was Reserve Winners Bitch Sunday. Fly (Solo Litter) was Select Dog both days.
In the Rally ring, Norma (Grand Finale Litter) qualified in Rally Advanced and her brother and sister, Niko and Ami, both received their first two qualifying scores in Rally Novice. Jasper (Red Litter) represented the youngest litter and also received a qualifying score in Rally Novice on Sunday. Go, Rally Beezers!
On the west coast, Zabra (Grand Finale Litter) had a wonderful weekend. She finished her Championship title on Saturday by going Winner's Bitch and on Sunday she had a great debut as a special by going Select Bitch for a five point major. Congratulations, Melanie!